In South Tillamook County, Food Roots, Nestucca Valley School District, Sitka Center for Art & Ecology, and local artist, Jane Ingram Allen brought together nearly 100 students to participate in the creation of a living quilt this July, encompassing the theme, "What we do matters!"
Students, together with Ms. Allen, created the visual elements of trees, water and salmon included in this design, which represent the natural environment, resources and rich heritage that define our community and region. Naturally sourced pulp infused with wildflower seeds was utilized to create handmade paper. Template designs were pieced together and layered to create 16"x20" size paper quilt squares. Once all of the paper quilt squares were completed they were combined together to create the Living Quilt, and laid upon the soil bed shown in the photo below. As the seasons pass the paper fibers break down causing the seeds to sew into the soil, and as the flowers grow, the quilt takes new shape in the form of a flower quilt, replicating the colors and patters of the paper quilt. Through this project, students learn hands-on about a seed's life cycle from the seed itself, to germination, seedling, young plant, and adult plant. The Living Quilt can be viewed at Nestucca Valley Elementary School's student garden.
And in Central County, thanks to a grant from Tillamook High School Key Club students, Food Roots brought in local support from Coyote Gardens, a landscape company to revitalize the Tillamook Junior High School-based garden. At this school garden, Food Roots works with the Intro to Agriculture classes run by teacher, Carrie Averill to build hands-on gardening and food production skills with students. Students and volunteers have the opportunity to grow food that is donated directly to the school-based Food Pantry, managed by the School District's Community Resource Coordinator. Thanks to local partnerships, including materials donated by Hampton Lumber, students will return to school to a new and improved garden site, including: nine new outdoor raised beds topped with soil and fitted with drip irrigation, an extended fence-line, mulched garden paths, and a new produce washing station.
This project would not be possible without support from Community 101 grant, Hampton Lumber, Coyote Gardens, and Tillamook School District 9. Thank you partners! We look forward to engaging students in outdoor learning this school year. We are seeking garden volunteers to help us keep up with garden maintenance.
Seeking Garden Volunteers! Please reach out if you would like to volunteer or set up a group volunteer event with us!